Good God vs Bad God

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Why does society call a natural disaster an "act of God" when God is supposed to be good? And if Christians believe that God has the power to be good, why do so many still secretly wonder: When I am faced with a challenge in life, will God choose to be good to ME?

In this book, Roberts Liardon decisively answers these questions, making an irrefutable case based in Scripture that God will stop at nothing to be good to you. He is the God who says yes to you and is always ready and available to help you!

God has set you up to come out on top in every situation. You are actually flanked on every side with His goodness! This book will help you play your part so that you can experience all the good that God wants you to enjoy!

So get ready to settle it for yourself once and for all: God is good, and He does good — all the time, in every situation, and specifically for you!

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