God's Generals: Movements of The Spirit

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In this seventh book in the God’s Generals series, Roberts Liardon chronicles unexpected, influential, and explosive movements of the Spirit that have shaped the church hand the message of the gospel in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

God’s Generals: Movements of the Spirit highlights the spiritual biographies of the unlikely men and women whom God called to initiate or support sweeping spiritual renewals. These movements turned many people’s hearts to God, demonstrated the reality of divine healing, and brought an awareness of the power and work of the Holy Spirit to multitudes.

Chapters include:

• Gordon and Freda Lindsay and the Voice of Healing Revival
• Demos and Rose Shakarian and the Full Gospel Business Men’s Movement
• David du Plessis and the Charismatic Renewal
• Myrtle Beall and the Latter Rain Revival
• Lonnie Frisbee and the Jesus People Revival, Part One:
Chuck Smith and the Calvary Chapel Years
• Lonnie Frisbee and the Jesus People Revival, Part Two:
John Wimber and the Vineyard Years

You will be drawn into the fascinating faith journeys—with both victories and setbacks— of each of these individuals who were vessels deeply moved by the Holy Spirit to further God’s purposes. Then you will be led to prepare your own heart to be used by God!

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